Wednesday, June 25, 2008


In the past I've never been much of a coffee drinker. With that being said Ashley and I were recently given a coffee maker for a bridal shower present. I was instantly intrigued by this contraption and immediatly set about discovering the workings of this amazing device. I am now happy to say that I drink at least two cups of coffee when I wake up be it in the morning (ugh, but the java helps) or in the early afternoon (more my cup of coffee wink wink see what I did there?) So I must praise this truly great machine. The best thing about the machine is that fact that it came with an insulated carafe(coffee pot, whatever.) Ashely's work requires her to be up much earlier than I and so I usually brew a pot for her in the morning. Now for the incredible part. When I eventually stumble out of bed I pour a cup for myself from the same pot and it is still hot. What will modern science think of next? The other neat function is that if I so desire a cup of coffee before the brew cycle is finished I can just take out the pot and pour one without getting coffee all over my counter, that's right it has an interupt function how cool is that. Now I can't wait to try out my new toaster that also cooks an egg and warms up my breakfast meat so I can make my own Egg McMuffin that's right I said screw you McDonalds and your damn copyright.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

I don't know if you read the manny's blog but be careful of relying on your machines they are going to try and kill us soon.