Thursday, July 3, 2008

What the hell man?

So I was watching some of the major news channels today and found something even more disturbing than what Obama's pastor has been preaching or whether McCain can maintain an erection. That's right full time coverage of Christine Brinkley's divorce trial. Be still my heart. Now I know that other more prolific writers have probably discussed the need for celebrity news to be covered by genuine news networks but I just have to throw in my two cents. I can understand reporting the death of a Z list celebrity but really their divorce trial. Wouldn't this be more appropriate for E! or extra or any of the other million shows devoted to celebrity gossip. Maybe CNN is hurting for ratings. Maybe Fox News wants to be in with the cool kids. I don't know. This leads me to another thing, what makes Chistine Brinkley more newsworthy than say Madonna? She's getting divorced but nothing on the real news is said about it. I guess Ms. Brinkley is more sophisticated. And who is really surprised that a celebrity is getting divorced. "OMG, did you hear that (insert crappy actor/actress/musician name here) slept around on their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/long time partner?" Obviously the whole world would be better off if we castrated every single person that had a desire to be a celebrity. They wouldn't be tempted by any sexual urges and then they might focus on doing something productive like make a good movie/album for a change.

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