Wednesday, August 13, 2008

From here to eternity

I'm back. Sorry to keep you guys waiting (all 3 or 4 of you). Let's just say it has been a pretty eventful couple of weeks. Having finished the wedding and unfortunately returned from the honeymoon a couple of days ago, I will be posting a couple of things about the experiences. Hell, if I can figure out how to the get the most out of this computer I'll even post some pictures. Now begins the real husband and wife stage where she tells me what to do, I refuse (knowing deep down I'm gonna cave), and then eventually realizing that if I had just done what she said in the beginning I would have saved myself an assload of grief. But for now I'm gonna watch some Olympic glory be made

Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's the Final Countdown...

Well the end of my bachelor days is almost here. That's right as of today I have one week left until the ball and chain is forever attached to the leg. Don't get me wrong I love Ashley and am looking forward to wedding. It just blows my mind that in seven days it just won't be "me" anymore but "we". It has been a pretty hectic week getting to this point as well. I took off 2 days so that we could attend a few final meetings with coordinators, priests, dj, etc. This in itself wouldn't be a huge problem if it wasn't for the fact that all said meetings were on the other side of the bay. So, of those 2 days I spent aproximately 20 hours in a car. I have since made a promise to myself that after this wedding that I will not spend anymore than 2 hours in a car for an entire year just so I can recover.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What the hell man?

So I was watching some of the major news channels today and found something even more disturbing than what Obama's pastor has been preaching or whether McCain can maintain an erection. That's right full time coverage of Christine Brinkley's divorce trial. Be still my heart. Now I know that other more prolific writers have probably discussed the need for celebrity news to be covered by genuine news networks but I just have to throw in my two cents. I can understand reporting the death of a Z list celebrity but really their divorce trial. Wouldn't this be more appropriate for E! or extra or any of the other million shows devoted to celebrity gossip. Maybe CNN is hurting for ratings. Maybe Fox News wants to be in with the cool kids. I don't know. This leads me to another thing, what makes Chistine Brinkley more newsworthy than say Madonna? She's getting divorced but nothing on the real news is said about it. I guess Ms. Brinkley is more sophisticated. And who is really surprised that a celebrity is getting divorced. "OMG, did you hear that (insert crappy actor/actress/musician name here) slept around on their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/long time partner?" Obviously the whole world would be better off if we castrated every single person that had a desire to be a celebrity. They wouldn't be tempted by any sexual urges and then they might focus on doing something productive like make a good movie/album for a change.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


In the past I've never been much of a coffee drinker. With that being said Ashley and I were recently given a coffee maker for a bridal shower present. I was instantly intrigued by this contraption and immediatly set about discovering the workings of this amazing device. I am now happy to say that I drink at least two cups of coffee when I wake up be it in the morning (ugh, but the java helps) or in the early afternoon (more my cup of coffee wink wink see what I did there?) So I must praise this truly great machine. The best thing about the machine is that fact that it came with an insulated carafe(coffee pot, whatever.) Ashely's work requires her to be up much earlier than I and so I usually brew a pot for her in the morning. Now for the incredible part. When I eventually stumble out of bed I pour a cup for myself from the same pot and it is still hot. What will modern science think of next? The other neat function is that if I so desire a cup of coffee before the brew cycle is finished I can just take out the pot and pour one without getting coffee all over my counter, that's right it has an interupt function how cool is that. Now I can't wait to try out my new toaster that also cooks an egg and warms up my breakfast meat so I can make my own Egg McMuffin that's right I said screw you McDonalds and your damn copyright.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

RIP George Carlin

I'm not exactly what you would call a morning person. I am also not much of a t.v. news person, I prefer to read the newspaper. However, since I will be moving in about 2 and half months I have canceled my until I get settled in a new place. So imagine my shock when I got to work yesterday and heard that George Carlin had passed away. As you may have noticed from my profile I am a bookseller at a major bookstore. Where I'm going with this is that I'm puzzled and slightly outraged over the fact that I didn't have one customer come up to me and ask about any of George Carlin's books. I did, however, have about five people ask for those crappy Tim Russert's books. Don't get me wrong I'm sorry that Tim Russert passed away I don't wish that on anyone's family. It's just that his books were never really that popular to begin with. Then all of sudden people want to read them. Hmm coincedence maybe. He dies two days before father's day and everyone that comes up to me says "I just thought it would be a really great father's day present." Really?! then how come I maybe sold one copy a week for the whole month before he died. This brings me back to George Carlin. I understand that usually a comedian's books are not really huge sellers, Steve Colbert and John Stewart aside. But here is a man who in my opinion did more for the american culture while making fun of it than Tim Russert ever did by writing a biography about his father. If you are going to satisfy your morbid curiosity(sp.) then broaden your horizons there are a bunch of people who have died recently and a good portion of them have put out some kind of media be it movies, music, or books. So Rest In Peace George Carlin where ever the FUCK you are!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I just wanted to be popular...

So now it begins. I at one time said that I would never read, write, or support blogs. But, as you can see I am in fact writing one. Unfortunately I can not promise that this will become in any way interesting or poignant(sp?). Hell, I'm nowhere near even a good writer (I have failed college english 4 times!). What I will try to do is keep my rants limited and speak or rather write from the heart. So in keeping with that note I will keep this initial posting short. More to come later