Tuesday, June 24, 2008

RIP George Carlin

I'm not exactly what you would call a morning person. I am also not much of a t.v. news person, I prefer to read the newspaper. However, since I will be moving in about 2 and half months I have canceled my until I get settled in a new place. So imagine my shock when I got to work yesterday and heard that George Carlin had passed away. As you may have noticed from my profile I am a bookseller at a major bookstore. Where I'm going with this is that I'm puzzled and slightly outraged over the fact that I didn't have one customer come up to me and ask about any of George Carlin's books. I did, however, have about five people ask for those crappy Tim Russert's books. Don't get me wrong I'm sorry that Tim Russert passed away I don't wish that on anyone's family. It's just that his books were never really that popular to begin with. Then all of sudden people want to read them. Hmm coincedence maybe. He dies two days before father's day and everyone that comes up to me says "I just thought it would be a really great father's day present." Really?! then how come I maybe sold one copy a week for the whole month before he died. This brings me back to George Carlin. I understand that usually a comedian's books are not really huge sellers, Steve Colbert and John Stewart aside. But here is a man who in my opinion did more for the american culture while making fun of it than Tim Russert ever did by writing a biography about his father. If you are going to satisfy your morbid curiosity(sp.) then broaden your horizons there are a bunch of people who have died recently and a good portion of them have put out some kind of media be it movies, music, or books. So Rest In Peace George Carlin where ever the FUCK you are!


Bryan H said...

I fear that hardly any people our age understand the true impact he had on comedy and, in a larger sense, pop culture. Without giants like Carlin and Richard Pryor stand-up comedy would not be nearly the same as it is today. Oh, and besides being groundbreaking he was simply a funny sonofabitch.

ink said...

To add to the brilliance of customers- I hear Big Russ and Me is going to make them rich- they will get to sell their not-first-edition-paperback copy that no one famous ever touched for big bucks on ebay. Hmmm...Their loss our gain?